Projects from 2001 - 2004
Jessica Durkota, "Impact of White-tailed deer on forest stand structure and composition in a Pennsylvania wildlife preserve"
(Dept. Honors)
Claire Foster, "Spatial Habitat Analysis and Population Modeling of Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister)"
(Dept. Honors)
Sarah Pears "Growth of surviving host and non-host trees in a mixed deciduous forest affected by gypsy moth defoliation"
(Dept. Honors)
Sarah Scow, "Toxics Release Inventory Audit of Kinder Mogan Transmix Co., Indianola, Pa."
(Dept. Honors)
Clare Froggatt, Finding the Future By Looking Into The Past: A New Religious Vision For The Environmental Quest
Elyse Casper Christopher Graham (Physic Majors), "Light Transmission through a Forest Canopy"
Heather Friedmann, PCB Effects on the Environment and Role in the PCB Remediation Project at the Naval Depot Contamination Site on Trindle Spring Run, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Julia Geisler, Autumnal Vernal Ponds
Tracy Scott, Native Plants of Pennsylvania
JulieVastine, "The Occurrence of Organic Wastewater Contaminants in the Carlisle Regional Water Pollution Control Facility"
(Dept. Honors)
Angela Wallis, "Canopy Gap Replacement Failure in a Pennsylvania Forest Preserve Subject to Extreme Deer Herbivory"
(Dept. Honors)
Christiana Briddell, "The Use of Activated Carbon to Determine Allelopathic Suppression of Lettuce Germination by Cover Crops"
(Dept. Honors)
Melissa Burgan, "Utility Restructuring and Renewable Energy in the United Kingdom"
Kei Hashimoto, Deregulation and Wind Energy in Japan
Jennifer Hoffman, Ecovillage at Ithaca: A Case Study in Cohousing Sustainability
Jessica Howard, "Spatial Relationships Between Understory Tree Growth Rates and Canopy Gaps"
Erik Johnson, "The Impact of the Huntsdale Fish Hatchery’s Discharge on the Diatom Communities in the Yellow Breeches Creek, Cumberland County, Pa."
(Dept. Honors)
Jaclyn Johnston, "Use of Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality in Acid and Agriculturally Impacted Streams, Sherman’s Creek Watershed, Perry County, Pa."
Vallie Lewis, "Ecological and Social Sustainability of the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Treehouse"
Nicholas Skowronski, "Modeling the Future Tree Community Structure of a Forest Severely Effected by Deer Herbivory"