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Study Abroad

We encourage our majors to study abroad as an opportunity to develop cultural competencies.  Dickinson offers an incredibly wide array of programs from which our students can choose.  Click here for a spreadsheet that briefly describes global study programs that are well suited to INBM majors. This spreadsheet includes information about language requirements and internship opportunities.  It also identifies student ambassadors, i.e., students that have studied in a program and have volunteered to talk with other students about that program.  For a complete description of Dickinson’s global study programs, visit the webpage for the Center for Global Study and Engagement.

Coursework while studying abroad

INBM majors can take courses relevant to two of the major requirements.  First, most INBM majors who study abroad take one or more courses that help fulfill the INBM 300 requirements.  Second, depending on the global studies program, students can take courses in a foreign language that help fulfill INBM’s foreign language requirement. Note that the 200-level INBM courses required for the major should be taken on the Dickinson campus and not while studying abroad; be sure to develop your course plan accordingly.
In addition to talking with your academic advisor about studying abroad, we suggest that students meet with a member of the Center for Global Study and Engagement staff for advice and guidance.  Students should email global@dickinson.edu to set up an appointment.