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U.S. Content Courses

Two foreign language courses beyond the intermediate level are required, with the option of taking the third INBM 300 in replacement of the third foreign language course. International students who have fulfilled the language requirement in their native language and who do not pursue a second language as part of their program at Dickinson must take two courses with U.S. content in the social sciences or humanities.  These two courses must be approved by the student’s academic advisor who then communicates their approval to the Registrar’s Office and the INBM ADC.

The Registrar’s Office does not designate U.S. content courses.  The INBM department recognizes the following as U.S. content courses:

  • Any course designated as a U.S. Diversity course
  • Any American Studies course or American history course

Additionally, any course in the social sciences or humanities whose content, as indicated in the course description, is focused on the U.S. can be counted as a U.S. content course.  Examples of these courses that have been counted in the past are:*

ARTH 205 – Visions of the Everyday
ECON 223 – American Capitalism
ECON 247 – Money and Banking
ECON 288 – Contending Economic Perspectives
ECON 353 – The Economics of Labor
ECON 496 – Political Economy of Health
ENGL 101 – What Writers Matter?
INST 280 – American Foreign Policy
PSYC 175 – Introduction to Community Psychology
SOCI 110 – Social Analysis
SOCI 230 – Asian America through Pop Culture
SOCI 230 – Immigrant & Transnational Identities
WGSS 100 – Introduction to WGSS
WRPG 101 – Academic Writing for International Students

*Note that these specific courses might not be offered every semester or even every year.