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Supervise a Student Protocol

Faculty Supervisors on IRB Protocols

Dickinson's IRB allows students to submit an IRB protocol if they are under the mentorship of a Faculty Supervisor. Students may submit protocols for a couple of reasons:

  • An IRB protocol may be required by a faculty member as part of a semester course
  • Students are undertaking independent or senior research using human subjects which may be regulated research.

Responsibilities of the Faculty Supervisor

  • Review the various materials that have been submitted, i.e. protocol, consent documents, results of the pre-proposal questionnaire.
  • Contact the student if revisions are required. You should use the Mentor messaging system.
  • When the protocol is finished to your satisfaction you may accept the protocol and forward it along to the IRB Committee, on behalf of the student, for the Committee's review.

What to do next?

  • To supervise/(pre-review) a student protocol as a "faculty supervisor" r. To log in to IRB Mentor, first click on "Single Sign-on" and then use your Dickinson email login and password. 
  • If you don't know how to login or review a protocol on behalf of IRB, please refer to the brief tutorials below which will walk you through the process
  • Tutorial for . Use your Dickinson email login and password to access the document.