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Frequently Asked Questions


The Basics

  1. Where do I log in to IRB Mentor to submit a protocol or to review one? Click on: . Make sure you click on the "Single Sign-on" to start.
  2. Where do I find information about using IRB Mentor? Click on the Submit a Protocol link and download the instructions associated with Mentor.
  3. Where do I find information and answers to other questions?  Download the (PDF). Use your Dickinson email login and password to access the document.
  4. How do the IRB protocol submission and review processes work? ,


  1. I have questions about the CITI Training. Go to the IRB Training link.

Non-Dickinson Investigators

  1. Dickinson's IRB frequently cooperates with investigators from other institutions. If you want to recruit Dickinson students and/or employees for research, please email the IRB chair.  Include a brief statement of the purpose of your research, and a one-paragraph description how it is to be implemented at Dickinson (dates, intended participants, procedure steps). Also include an electronic copy of the approval letter(s) for your study from the IRB of your home institution.

    We usually grant routine administrative approval to studies that have already been approved by a non-Dickinson IRB. When you receive the Dickinson IRB chair's approval to proceed, please forward to the Dickinson IRB Chair the electronic file copies of the documents you originally submitted to your home institution's IRB.