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Faculty Resources

About the Career Center

Our role is to help students successfully transition from Dickinson into employment or further educational pursuits. Our offerings are designed to increase students' confidence and provide the necessary skills and information to succeed in the job or graduate school search.

As faculty, you play an integral role in the career development of our students. We have developed this site to provide you with the resources and tools to enhance your advisees' and students' learning experience.
We can assist you and your students in the following ways: 

What you should know about us:

  • We are committed to the value of a liberal arts education.
  • We help students understand, appreciate, and communicate the value of their liberal arts education in the workplace.
  • We do not express a preference for any major or career field to our students.
  • We believe that the ultimate "vocational" decision of the student should not rest on the choice of major. We encourage students to choose the academic program that makes sense for them. Contrary to the popular myth, employers are rarely impressed by a double major.
  • We believe in the importance of close ties to departments and strive to support your students with the best possible internship, graduate school, and employer connections.