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First Year Students

First Year Students are not permitted to possess or operate motor vehicles on the Dickinson campus or in the Carlisle area. This restriction applies to any vehicle regardless of its type, ownership, or registration. This policy is in effect seven days a week.

Exceptions to the policy are granted according to strict guidelines and may only be made by the Department of Public Safety.

  • Requests for exceptions must be submitted through this form (2024-2025 exception applications WILL NOT be available until August 5, 2024)
  • Requests for exceptions for medical reasons may require the submissions of documents from your health care provider. Public Safety may consult with Access and Disability services for requests of this type. 

In the event that a First Year Student is granted permission to possess a vehicle on campus, they will be restricted to park in the farthest west end of the West Kline Center Lot only, and they will receive a green tag to designate their First Year status. They may not park their vehicle anywhere else on campus or on public streets per the First Year Parking Policy.  Violating this policy could result in parking fines and having their parking exception revoked.