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Parking Tickets & Citation Appeals

Any person who feels that a parking ticket was issued in error may contest the parking ticket by filing a notice of appeal. This can be done online or at the Public Safety Office. An appeal must be filed in accordance within the timelines and the procedures set forth on the parking notice. According to college policy, disregarding of a parking ticket will result in the charging of costs to the student’s account and renewal of vehicle registration is contingent upon compliance. These charges will be treated on the same basis as any other debt due the College.

Parking Penalties: Failure to observe traffic violations will result in the imposition of penalties. Parking offenses will be assesed a $75 fine, with subsequent offenses being $100. A fourth offense within one academic year may result in the loss of parking priveleges on campus.

Handicapped, no parking, service vehicle, visitor parking and shipping and receiving areas are tow zones. In addition to the towing charge, a $75 fine will be imposed. A second towing offense will result in a towing charge, a $100 fine and loss of all parking privileges on the campus.

Paying a Parking Fine: All fines must be paid at the Cashier's office in S. College West or dropped in the 24 hour mail slot at the Cashier's Office within 24 hours from the time the citation was issued. Unless paid accordingly, penalties will be charged to the individual's account with the College and treated on the same basis as any other amount owed to the College. Penalties for violations commited with a vehicle will be charged against the registration of the vehicle unless another person is clearly identified as the operator of the vehicle at the time of the violation.

Appealing a Parking Ticket:

  1. All persons receiving a citation have a right to file a notice of appeal within seven (7) days of the date listed on the "Notice of Parking" ticket.
  2. You may appeal a citation in person, or online by filling out the  
  3. The results of the notice of appeal will be e-mailed to you.

Violations of Laws & Policies Will Not Be Dismissed: Before submitting an appeal, please review the following claims for which violations will not be dismissed. While these reasons may seem valid to the violator, they do not address the laws of Pennsylvania and the policies of the College. These reasons generally will not result in the violations being dismissed or the violator being successful on appeal.

  • Short Errands: A short errand is a very common excuse; however, no errand short of a bona fide medical emergency is an acceptable excuse for parking illegally.
  • Being late for a business or personal appointment does not permit the driver the privilege of parking illegally.
  • Parking Lots Being Full: It is the driver's responsibility to locate legal parking. This excuse is invalid and confirms the driver's liability.
  • Missing/Misreading Parking Signs: Drivers are required to look for and abide by all posted signs when parking.
  • Temporary Parking: Evidence of a short stay (leaving a friend in the car, leaving parking lights blinking, leaving the motor running) does not mitigate the offense.
  • Others were not ticketed: Sometimes this excuse is raised as discriminatory enforcement. An officer may have been called away from the area before checking all vehicles. Parking citations stand on their own.
  • Someone else had my car: The registered owner has joint responsibility with whoever was driving his or her car. Unless it can be shown by the registered owner that the car was driven without permission, the registered owner, renter or lessee is responsible for a parking citation.
  • A College Official saw me and did not object: Generally speaking, college officials and employees are not authorized to grant permission to break college policies. Whenever possible, an officer will caution about illegal parking, but silence by an official does not waive parking restrictions.
  • Suggesting that a violation has not been ticketed in the past, or that you're aware others have done the same thing is never a valid excuse for illegally parking, and no one should be rewarded for getting away with prior violations.