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Hearing Appeal Process

Eligibility to Appeal - Only outcomes from the formal resolution process (administrative hearings and panel hearings) are eligible for appeal.  Informal resolutions are not eligible for appeal, but do have the option to request formal resolution.  To be eligible to appeal, you must meet the deadlines and requirements outlined in the Community Standards and outcome letter.  Both Complainants and Respondents can submit an appeal if the following grounds have been met. 

Grounds for Appeal - The appeal may be based only on one or more of the following grounds:

  • The procedures set forth in the Community Standards were not followed
  • The sanctions imposed were excessively harsh or lenient for the violation
  • New or relevant information, not available at the time of the hearing, has arisen    

Writing an Appeal - You must submit your written request for appeal within five business days from the date of your outcome letter.  Requests for appeal submitted after 4:00 p.m. on the fifth business day will not be accepted.  Written requests for appeal should contain three parts.

  1. the grounds for the appeal as outlined above
  2. the sanction or sanctions you are appealing
  3. the rationale for the grounds for appeal and sanctions appealing

Letters of appeal should be addressed to Bridget Burnhisel, Director of Student Conduct, must be e-mailed to conduct@dickinson.edu.  There is no single way to write a letter of appeal.

  • Your letter should be concise with your points made clearly and briefly
  • Your letter should draw direct connection to the ground(s) for appeal you have selected
  • Your letter should specifically state the sanction or sanctions you are appealing based on the ground(s) for appeal
  • You can identify any additional information you deem appropriate and relevant
  • You can propose an alternative outcome

Sample written request for appeal.

Appeal Process - Appeals must be in writing and submitted to the Dean of Students Office.  The appeal shall consist of a plain, concise and complete written statement on the grounds for the appeal.  The Assistant Dean of Students will determine whether one or more grounds for appeal have been met.  If grounds have been met, the Dean of Students, or his designee, will review the appeal for administrative hearings, or chair the panel for panel hearings.

The appeal officer or panel shall consider the merits of an appeal only on the basis of the information provided in the written request for appeal and the record of the original hearing.  The appeallate office or the panel may request to meet with hearing offiers, responding party and/or the complanining party to seek clarification of the hearing record only.  Any decision of the appeal panel shall be made by majority vote.  The appeal officer or panel must be persuaded to act by clear and convincing reasons.  If the appeal is reviewed, the appeal officer or panel can alter finding of responsibility as well as sanctions.  It is important to note that the appeal process can remove or add sanctions.  All decisions of appeal officer or panel are final with the exception of expulsion, where a second appeal can be made to the President.  See the Community Standards for more details on the appeal process.     

The Conduct Process
Student Conduct Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact us at 717-245-1676 or conduct@dickinson.edu if you have any questions.