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Study Abroad

students abroad

History majors take advantage of numerous study abroad opportunities across the globe. Those students also majoring or minoring in a foreign language will often seek to study history while augmenting their language skills through programs in China, Japan, Russia, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and many other locations. Students seeking to study in an English-only environment often choose one of our programs in England or Australia. Some other popular programs, like that in Bologna, Italy, are conducted in English while providing students the opportunity to study a foreign language for the first time on location.

In addition to these formal, annual programs, there are numerous opportunities to study off campus in a Mosaic course. These courses, typically led by two or three faculty members from various departments, take place over summer or winter break, or take the form of fieldwork during the semester. Past Mosaics have investigated in Morocco, France, and Spain; comparative black liberation movements in South Africa and Mississippi; in Patagonia, Argentina; the in Ghana and South Carolina; and many others.