Dickinson students and alumni have achieved notable success in the , and Dickinson has been recognized as a Fulbright Top Producing Institution seven times in the past ten years.
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program expands perspectives through academic and professional advancement and cross-cultural dialogue. The emphasis is on mutual understanding - as a Fulbrighter you are there to learn from people of other countries, and they are interested to learn about the U.S. from you. That idea is central to the Fulbright Program goals.
Dickinson students and alumni most frequently pursue - an English Teaching Award (ETA) or a Open Study/Research Award.
- The English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Programs place Fulbrighters in classrooms abroad to provide assistance to the local English teachers
- The Open Study/Research Awards involve pursuit of a self-designed project that typically works with advisers at foreign universities or other institutes of higher education OR tuition coverage for one-year of a desingated graduate degree program.
On your language skills. Each country has different expectations of the level of fluency necessary for applicants. You should read through the country summaries to identify countries that are a good fit for your language skills. Fulbright also offers support to learn some languages (Arabic for example) with a Critical Language Enhancement Award.
On choosing a host country Country/Regional. Competition competitiveness may play a role in your final decision, but overall you should choose the country that best suits your project and in which provides the resources necessary for its successful completion. The selection committees are looking for applicants who have specific reasons for applying to go to a country and who have determined that the project is doable in terms of time and preparedness of the applicant.
If you are interested in applying for a Fulbright award, please contact the Fulbright Program Advisers (FPAs) by emailing fulbright@dickinson.edu. In order to apply for a Fulbright, Dickinson students must contact the FPAs by the end of April.
Dickinson Fulbright Application Schedule:
Apr. 10 - Please register by April 9, even if you cannot attend the session.
Apr. 15 for Fulbright (Class of 2026 + alumni)
Apr. TBD Personal Statement Writing Workshop (Zoom, register through Handshake)
Jun. 1 Preliminary Statement of Grant Purpose (SGP), Personal Statement (PS), and a curriculum vitae/resume
Jul. 1 Revised SGP and PS, create online Fulbright application, submit names of prospective references, if pursuing research application: affiliation organization and name of faculty in discipline with whom you are consulting about research methods
Aug. 1 Revised SGP, PS, drafts of short description/abstract
Sept. 1 Preliminary applications are due; all contact info for references is entered in online application, short description/abstract is written and entered in online application
Sept. 2-Sept. 20 Committee interviews through Zoom *date range may change*
Sept. 25 Dickinson's deadline - all application materials and references must be submitted in Fulbright online application by 12noon EST