Student Snapshot: Alexander Rojek '25

Alex Rojek 24 on the playing field.

Alexander Rojek ’25, a philosophy major, loves thinking, conversing and writing about life’s big questions. But he also puts what he’s learning about philosophy and ethics into practice, as a Community Engagement Fellow who’s also involved as a resident advisor and tutor, among other campus activities. Below, he discusses why he appreciates the individualized attention that Dickinson students receive from their professors as well as his internship and his plans for a career at the intersection of politics and law.             


Lawrenceville, New Jersey.




Delta Sigma Phi, Arabic Club, Community Engagement Fellow, Dickinson Student Investment Group, Office of Residence Life (resident advisor), The Norman M. Eberly Writing Center (tutor, writing associate) and Club Soccer.


Alpha Lambda Delta, Dean’s List, Polish Arts Club of Trenton Scholarship and the 1783 Scholarship.

Favorite book:

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

Best thing about my Dickinson experience.

I love the accessibility of the professors and how much they care for their students.

Best thing about my major:

I love philosophy because of how discussion-oriented and far-reaching it is. By and large, it feels like any question, example or counterexample is acceptable in any discussion because of the sheer depth of the discipline and its plethora of intersections with other fields.

Favorite place on campus:

The Kline Fitness Center.

Favorite professor:

Senior Lecturer in Middle East Studies Magda Siekert. The combination of her impressive CV and amiable personality makes her stand out. She was also the first professor to truly make me feel at home at Dickinson.

As a kid, I wanted to be …

… a professional soccer player.

Post-Dickinson plans:

To attend law school, with the intention of working at the intersection of law and politics.

If I could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, it would be …

Barack Obama.

About my internship:

This summer, I interned in the Outreach Department of the Office of Gov. Phil Murphy. I was really excited to take this position, as someone who grew up in New Jersey and is very interested in its politics at the state level. I was involved in several aspects of public relations, such as press conferences, outreach events and database management. This made me realize how interconnected all of the agencies are in the executive branch and how important civic engagement is for different communities.

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Published October 13, 2022