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Courses in philosophy present ways of thinking about fundamental questions that continue to arise no matter how much we think we know: What does it mean to be human? Is there a right way to live as a human? Is there a right way to live together as a society? What is our relationship to each other and to the earth? Is truth possible? What is ultimately real? 

Philosophers see questions like these cutting across the boundaries of science, art, politics, religion—crucial to all these areas yet belonging to none of them—and demanding that we subject both our experiences and our beliefs to critical scrutiny. Because it calls into question grounding beliefs, philosophy has always been considered central to liberal education, whose point is to generate citizens thoughtful about what is essential. 

Across more than two dozen of the most prominent college majors, philosophy majors have scored the highest on the GREs over the past four years—and have exceeded the national average score by the most points (ets.org, 2019)

Philosophy majors are introduced to the central questions and movements in the history of philosophy as a foundation for tackling today’s philosophical problems. And faculty members have an unusually wide range of interests, including contemporary-analytic, 19th- and 20th-century continental and American philosophy. 

The philosophy program at Dickinson aims to educate our students to be careful readers, critical reasoners and, finally, original thinkers by exploring significant and enduring philosophical problems through the close reading of primary texts and acquiring and evaluating methods and skills requisite to doing philosophy. 

Contact Info


Chauncey MaherProfessor of Philosophy

Department Coordinator

Stephanie Dyson






1st floor, East College Mailing Address

Department Features

Student Outcomes

Where Our Students Go From Here


  • CitySpade Inc.
  • Trala
  • Dana Farber Cancer Institute
  • Parano & Associates
  • Teach for America
  • Delaware College Scholars Program
  • International Republican Institute
  • The Nielsen Company
  • Kaiser Associates
  • Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding
  • The ABIS Group
  • Veritonic Inc
  • Chubb Corporation

Graduate Schools:

  • University of Notre Dame Law School
  • Georgetown University
  • London School of Economics
  • Stanford University Law School
  • Boston University School of Law
  • Harvard University
  • Duke University School of Law
Where Our Students Have Interned
  • Bloomberg LP
  • Children's Defense Fund
  • Court Appointed Special Advocates
  • Cumberland County Historical Society
  • Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program
  • Friday Harbor Labs
  • Maryland Department of Health
  • New York Mets
  • Public Broadcasting Service

Student Perspectives

"I love philosophy because of how discussion-oriented and far-reaching it is. By and large, it feels like any question, example or counterexample is acceptable in any discussion because of the sheer depth of the discipline and its plethora of intersections with other fields."

— Alexander Rojek '25

"The conversations with faculty and peers have made studying philosophy and political science deeply enjoyable. Collectively struggling with a question that an author raises or going back and forth on the best interpretation of a passage is an exciting challenge, and I’m really thankful for my classmates' perspectives, which make that process so engaging."

 — Nathaniel McCloud ‘23

Philosophy News

Philosophy Major Jobs and Graduate School Acceptances 2024

Philosophy Major Jobs and Graduate School Acceptances 2024

Philosophy majors accepted for graduate study at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Houston.

Student Snapshot: Milo Newman-Lombardo ’25

Student Snapshot: Milo Newman-Lombardo ’25

Meet Milo Newman-Lombardo '25 (philosophy), who plans a law career focusing on environmental activism and human rights.

Can Philosophy Help Save the World?

Can Philosophy Help Save the World?

Professor of Philosophy Chauncey Maher talks plant minds, why Dickinson is where to go for philosophy and how the discipline can help save the world.

Philosophy Major Jobs and Graduate School Acceptances 2023

Philosophy Major Jobs and Graduate School Acceptances 2023

Philosophy majors secure jobs in teaching and government and are accepted to graduate schools including RIT and the University of Colorado-Boulder.

Lazard’s Holcombe Green

Lazard’s Holcombe Green '92 and Jianan Yang '13 Come to Dickinson to Recruit for Careers in Investment Banking

Two finance veterans with decades of experience between them return to campus to speak with students about opportunities at the storied firm.

Student Snapshot: Alexander Rojek

Student Snapshot: Alexander Rojek '25

As a philosophy major, Alexander Rojek ’25 revels in life’s big questions. He puts what he's learning into action as a Community Engagement Fellow and tutor.