Who Do We Serve?
- Students who have experienced sexual or gender-based harassment.
- Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ community members who have allegedly engaged in sexual or gender-based harassment.
- Faculty and staff who have received a disclosure of such an incident, and need support or guidance regarding how to support a person who has experineced an incident.
- Friends and parents of students who have experienced sexual or gender-based harassment.
Get Help Now
If you believe you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 or Public Safety at 717-245-1111.
Call Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ's Confidential Sexual Violence Hotline anytime: 717-609-4244
An Advocate can meet you on-campus.
Title IX Athletics Gender Equity Plan
As part of our agreement when the decision was made to reinstate the men and women’s squash team, we engaged a consultant to perform a full gender equity analysis of our athletic program. That analysis has been completed and the college has developed a Title IX Athletics Equity Plan designed to address any issues and to ensure Title IX compliance in the future. In October 2022, The Title IX Athletics Equity Plan was published
On August 31, 2023, we published the Athletics Gender Equity Implementation Plan and in September 2023, we updated this plan.
On August 30, 2024, we updated our Implementation Plan showcasing our progress. View the updated plan here.
What Is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or gender in the college's programs and activities. The college will respond to complaints or reports about prohibited conduct with measures designed to stop and eliminate any such sex- or gender-based discrimination, prevent the recurrence of the prohibited conduct and remedy any adverse effects of such conduct on campus or in college-related programs or activities.
This site contains information for students, staff and faculty regarding Title IX resources and support services, policies, procedures, education and preventions at the college. Dickinson’s Sexual Harassment and Misconduct policy is applicable to all students, staff and faculty.
Title IX Staff
At Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, the Title IX staff provides a comprehensive community approach to the college’s Title IX responsibilities. We work collaboratively with partners to provide education and training to the campus community. And we provide information and resources to individuals in need, working diligently to stop, prevent, remedy and resolve incidents of sexual or gender-based misconduct.
Kat Matic
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 717-254-8316
Address: 41 Conway St., Carlisle PA 17013
The Title IX coordinator is responsible for coordinating Dickinson’s efforts to comply with and carry out our responsibilities under Title IX, including promptly, thoroughly and equitably resolving reports of prohibited conduct to eliminate sexual or gender-based issues, prevent recurrence and remedy effects.
Reports or complaints of sexual or gender-based misconduct, or questions about Dickinson’s policies, procedures, resources or programs, may be directed to the Title IX coordinator.
Stephen Winn
Assistant Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 717-254-8316
Address: 41 Conway St., Carlisle PA 17013
The assistant Title IX coordinator manages reports of alleged sexual or gender-based misconduct and ensures investigations are conducted promptly and equitably. The assistant Title IX coordinator manages the investigation processes and procedures and works under the direction of the Title IX coordinator to ensure consistent application of Dickinson's policy and effective response to all reports.
Emergency Contact
If you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 or Dickinson Public Safety at 717-245-1111.
Our Commitment
Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming educational and working environment for all members of its community. We are a community committed to the free exchange of ideas that fosters human connection and healthy relationships. Every member of our community is equally valuable and equally valued as an individual. And every member of our community is responsible to every other and to the entire community.
Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ prohibits dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. These behaviors are harmful to the well-being of our community members and our learning and working relationships.