Welcome back to Dickinson!
Just because you’re back in Carlisle does not mean your study abroad journey has come to an end. Much of the learning will start to happen now as your experience begins to sink in and you’ve had the necessary time and distance to reflect on all that happened while you’ve been away.
There will be an adjustment period. Reintegrating to life at Dickinson can be exciting and challenging. Take a look at this section to see what you need to do after you return and how to get involved!
Getting credit for your coursework abroad
Upon return to the Carlisle campus, students who are requesting major, minor, or distribution credit for coursework completed abroad must complete the Enrollment in Another Institution Form. The form is not required if you are only requesting general credit. If you are seeking distribution credit for coursework completed abroad, contact the appropriate Dickinson staff or faculty.
Seniors are required to submit this form prior to the course request period for their last semester. If the form is not in the Registrar’s Office by that time, the student will not be permitted to participate in the course request period.
Reminder: The transfer credit policy for your program can be found on the program’s brochure page in studio abroad.
Share your abroad experience
Program Evaluation: When you return to campus, you will be sent an email with a link to a program evaluation. Candid responses from returnees are essential for reviewing programs and better advising future study abroad students.
Share photos: Send your best pictures and/or videos to us from your time abroad – we may feature them on our website, social media and other publications!
Global Ambassador Program: Global Ambassadors are returning study abroad students who serve as peer advisors for their program. Ambassadors are nominated by on-site staff or self-nominated. This is a volunteer role that will enable you to continue your global journey while building your resume.
Global Programs Assistant: Global Programs Assistants work with the CGSE staff on a variety of tasks and projects. You will serve as a representative of the CGSE and your program at campus events and will help prepare students who are getting ready to study off-campus. This is a paid position and spots are limited.
Build on your international experience
Internships, Research, and Service: Expand upon what you learned abroad through an internship, , or service placement.
Explore Short-Term Programs: In addition to spending a semester or year abroad, there are other opportunities to travel internationally through your academic coursework. The Center for Global Study and Engagement offer short-term programs including summer programs, globally integrated programs and Mosaics.
Post-Grad Opportunities: Your study abroad experience(s) at Dickinson may be just the beginning. Consider what opportunities are available to you after graduation, including international scholarships, fellowships, and graduate school.