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Graduate & Partner Programs

Linkage & Articulation Agreements

Dickinson provides students with the skills needed to thrive and learn in the ever-evolving 21st century, opening doors to advanced study and meaningful careers. As part of our work to bridge the gap between Dickinson and our students' future, the college has developed a network of agreements with excellent graduate, undergraduate and professional schools, both nationally and internationally, in a range of fields. 

Rush Statue autumn

Depending on the specific agreement, Dickinson students are offered preference in admission, have bureaucratic obstacles to application removed and/or are able to accelerate the time required to earn dual baccalaureate degrees, graduate degrees or graduate credit for work done at Dickinson. In total, these agreements reflect Dickinson's commitment to providing our students with diverse, high-value educational opportunities.

Agreements are currently in place in the following areas of academic interest at these select institutions:

  • Business: American University's Kogod School of Business, Northeastern University's D’Amore McKim School of Business, the University of Rochester, Drew University and Lehigh University
  • Public health: Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. 
  • International Graduate Education: Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), the Network of Autonomous Schools of the Lombardy Region (Italy, language assistant internship), the University of Bremen (Germany), the University of East Anglia (England), the University of Málaga (Spain) and the University of Maine (global policy)
  • Law: Penn State Dickinson Law
  • Engineering: Case Western Reserve University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Note: Students have two options for pursuing engineering: 1. enrolling in the 3+2 track (which, after 5 years of school, leads to the candidate receiving two bachelor’s degrees) or 2. completing a bachelor's degree at Dickinson and then pursuing a separate graduate program in engineering.
  • Medicine & Health: Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson College of Population Health