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International Students

FAQs for International Students

How do I get a U.S phone number?
  free sim cards are available upon your arrival and you can shop for plans online. There are several other mobile services – , , and with stores in Carlisle. You may also investigate pre-pay services in large retailers such as at Walmart and Target.

Who should I contact about connecting to the Dickinson wireless network and cable TV?
Here are instructions to connect to the Internet, to set-up cable TV, and to access comprehensive campus technology information. Network issues can be reported to User Services staff via email helpdesk@dickinson.edu or by calling 717-245-1000. The HelpDesk is located on the lower level of the Library and password issues can be reported online.

Something in my room is broken.  Who should I contact?
You can submit an online Service Request through the Facilities Management website under “Service Request”. Describe the problem and provide your contact information. You will be sent an email message when the repairs are complete. Please note that Facilities can repair College-owned items only.
How do I receive mail? 
Mail Sevices information and package pick-up procedures are managed by the Mail Center staff. First-Year students will receive communication prior to arriving on campus regarding their mailing address and HUB number. First Class mail and packages arriving on campus are held in Package Pickup. Students receive an email notification once mail and packages are processed. Bring your Dickinson ID to retrieve them.
What is an “R.A.”?
An R.A. is a Residential Advisor. Students selected to assume this important leadership role will have significant, focused responsibility for residential life in an assigned area. They are very approachable and they are there to help you, so do not hesitate to get to know your R.A.!
My roommate and I are not getting along.  What should I do?
If you encounter a problem with your living assignment, or have a question about residential living guidlines and policies, first speak with your R.A. as they have received training to assist students. Your R.A. may refer you to other campus offices. Please consider that part of living on a residential campus is learning to live with a roommate. While this experience may feel challenging at times, it is a valuable part of your college experience.
What if I got locked out of my room? What if I lose my key?
Try your roomate first, then if needed call DPS (Department of Public Safety) at (717) 245-1349 as they can come unlock your room for you. There will be a charge for assistance by Residence Life and Housing staff or by Department of Public Safety staff. In the event that keys are lost, stolen or misplaced, you are responsible for reporting it to the Residence Life and Housing office. You will be charged $100 for a lock change if your key is lost or if it not returned after you move out.
I am feeling sick/homesick/anxious/depressed.  What should I do?
Specialized staff members are available at the Wellness Center on campus (located in the Kline Annex on Cherry Street). Call 717-245-1835 to make an appointment with medical staff. Call 717-245-1485 to make an appointment with counseling staff.  If it is an emergency, call DPS at 717-245-1111.   
How many/which classes should I take?
U.S. Federal Regulations require that F-1 and J-1 students are enrolled full-time, which is a minimum of 3 course credits per semester at Dickinson. Students often take 4 classes per semester for steady progress towards graduating in 4 years. Your faculty advisor, with the support of the Advising, Internships & Career Center, will help you understand and maximize options during your college experience. You can also explore Dickinson’s academic programs and majors for more information.
When should I declare my major?
Students usually declare their major by the end of the second semester of their sophomore year. In order to declare a major, students are required to fill out the Major Declaration form, obtainable from the Registrar’s Office and on the Registrar’s Office website. The form also requires that the student obtain the signatures of the Department Chairperson, the Major Advisor and their former Advisor.
I have a question, but I don’t know who to ask!  What should I do?
Start with us. We will guide you find the best resources on campus and off-campus.