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International Students

International Parents

The Center for Global Study and Engagement team is excited to welcome you into the Dickinson family! Your child is now a part of an international community that values not only liberal arts education, but also intercultural experiences and global learning.


Dickinson encourages all students to take responsibility for their learning. The transition to an American college can be challenging for many students, especially if it is their first time away from their families and they are traveling internationally. Please know that our staff is available to guide students to the resources they need to be successful. 

Securing a F-1 visa and maintaining their immigration status may also seem daunting at first, but the International Student and Scholar Services staff is here to help and share useful information. Our continual communication with your student and the college information resources will be key in keeping you up-to-date.

The Dickinson website is a great way to become acquainted with services and upcoming daily student life processes:

Academic Calendar                               
Academic Programs     
Campus Life & Student Development      
Financial Aid
Health Insurance                                   
Health Services/Wellness Center        
Mail Services                                         
Public Safety       
Student Accounts/Tuition Payment       
Student Employment

If you do not find what you’re looking for, please feel free to contact us for help.

Lastly, if you are planning a visit to campus, whether at the beginning of your student's four years or later on, please inform us of your trip. We would be happy to meet with you if you have any questions.