What is the Globally Integrated Semester (GIS)?
A Globally Integrated Semester (GIS) is designed to provide students a global experience while based in Carlisle for the Spring 2022 semester, followed by a short-term study abroad experience in May/June of 2022. Students will enroll in one of the globally integrated courses listed below, participate in globally themed workshops during the semester, and travel to the corresponding Dickinson global center at the end of the spring semester to continue their academic program. Courses will be taught by Carlisle-based faculty, global center-based faculty or be team taught by faculty in Carlisle and abroad.
GISs utilize the academic and programmatic connections between Dickinson's Carlisle campus and our global centers abroad. While GISs were originally created to provide global opportunities to students who were unable to experience a traditional study abroad program due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, they have resulted in new and creative offerings for Dickinson students. GISs are open to all Dickinson students who meet the course prerequisites, including students graduating in 2022.
Students who are accepted to these programs will:
- Register for three courses for the Spring 2022 semester
- Register for one globally integrated course for the Spring 2022 semester
- Participate in a globally themed workshop series during the semester exploring our interdependence & local-global connections and weave together skills and concepts in global & intercultural learning, sustainability, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity and civic learning & action.
- COVID-19 conditions allowing, travel abroad to complete their globally integrated course sequence after the end of the spring semester.
SPAN 231: Argentine Adventures through Contemporary Literature
Semester-long course taught by Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger, Associate Professor of Spanish
- 3-week course abroad taught by Eliana Torres, Resident Director, Dickinson in Argentina
Pre-requisite: SPAN 202
PORT 102 Elementary Portuguese
Semester-long course taught by Giselda Pereira, Resident Director, Dickinson in Brazil
3-week course abroad taught by Giselda Pereira, Resident Director, Dickinson in Brazil
Pre-requisite: PORT 101
PORT 200 Portuguese for Speakers of a Romance Language
Semester-long course taught by Carolina Castellanos Gonella, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese
3-week course abroad taught by Giselda Pereira, Resident Director, Dickinson in Brazil
Pre-requisite: SPAN 202 or FREN 230 or ITAL 231 or permission of the professor
PORT 231 Portuguese Conversation and Composition
Semester-long course taught by Giselda Pereira, Resident Director, Dickinson in Brazil
3-week course abroad taught by Giselda Pereira, Resident Director, Dickinson in Brazil
Pre-requisite: PORT 200
PORT 242 Brazilian Cultural and Social Issues
Semester-long course taught by Carolina Castellanos Gonella, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese
3-week course abroad taught by Giselda Pereira, Resident Director, Dickinson in Brazil
Pre-requisite: None
FREN 245 Contemporary France
- Semester-long course taught by Dominique Laurent, Associate Professor of French
3-week course abroad taught by Julia Carnine, Academic Director, Dickinson in France
- Pre-requisite: FREN 236
FREN 364 (FLIC): The Start of the Anthropocene? Environment and Sustainability in Enlightenment France"
- Semester-long course taught by Hanna Roman, Assistant Professor of French
3-week course abroad taught by: Julia Carnine, Academic Director, Dickinson in France
Pre-requisite: FREN 240/245/246
FREN 365: Francophone African Novelists of Diaspora
- Semester-long course taught by Ben Ngong, Associate Professor of French
3-week course abroad taught by Julia Carnine, Academic Director, Dickinson in France
- Pre-requisite: FREN 240/245/246
INBM 300 The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Semester-long course taught by Professor Steve Riccio, Senior Lecturer, International Business and Management
14 day course abroad taught by Steve Riccio and Janine Ludwig, Academic Director, Dickinson in Germany
Earth Science 250 Arctic Studies**
Semester-long course taught by Ben Edwards, Professor, Earth Science
10 day abroad taught by Ben Edwards, Professor, Earth Science
Pre-requisite: None
HIST 234: Fascism, Socialism, and Daily Life: Europe, 1914-1945
- Semester-long course (Spring 2022) taught by Karl Qualls, Professor of History
3-week course abroad taught by Ed Webb, Associate Professor, Political Science & International Studies, Resident Director, Dickinson in Italy
- Pre-requisite: None
The fee for the travel component of the Globally Integrated Semester is $2900 (the cost of academic portion of the course is included in spring tuition). This fee does not include airfare. Students who are eligible for financial aid during the academic year will receive some level of aid based on their need. Graduating seniors are eligible for aid.
Students who successfully complete a GIS will receive 1.5 credits --> 1 credit for the semester course and .5 credit for the on-site course (Please note that Dickinson in Iceland and Dickinson in Germany are one credit courses only). Students will receive one grade for both the semester course and the on-site course. If travel is not possible students will still receive one credit for the semester course.
*Applications after the deadline may be considered; however, late applicants are not eligible for financial aid.