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Globally Integrated Semester - Spring 2022

Globally Integrated Semester FAQs

How do I apply?

View the Globally Integrated Semester programs and select the program of your choice. Then select apply now. Log in with your Dickinson email and password.

If I do the GIS can I also study abroad during a future semester? 

Yes, students can do a GIS and study abroad during a later semester. Students should work closely with their academic advisors to make a plan to ensure the programs work with their major and graduation requirements.  

If I am a junior, can I do GIS and still study abroad the fall of my senior year? 

Yes, students can do GIS and study abroad during a later semester. We have also been working with academic departments so that the class of 2023 may have the flexibility to go abroad during the fall of their senior year. You may have already heard from your academic department directly addressing this matter. If you have questions about the possibility of studying abroad during the fall or spring of your senior year, you are encouraged to speak with your academic advisor(s). 

Is there an additional expense for doing a GIS? 

Yes. Students will be charged a program fee of $2900 for the travel portion of the GIS program. The academic costs of the course credits are wrapped into spring tuition. Students are responsible for airfare to/from the program site and any personal expenses.  

Can I get financial aid for a GIS program? 

Yes, students who are eligible for financial aid will receive some level of aid based on their need. In order to be considered for aid, students must complete the application by the deadline date, December 14, 2021 and select that they want to be considered for aid. Students who are eligible for financial aid will receive consideration for Stabler Scholarship and student loan assistance based on their need.  Additional information can be found here.

If I have already participated in a short-term study abroad program (summer, globally integrated or Mosaic) will I still be eligible for financial aid?

Yes, as long as you are eligible for financial aid you can receive aid for the GIS.

Will I be able to receive aid for a future short-term study abroad program (summer, globally integrated or Mosaic) if I receive aid for a GIS?

Yes, as long as you are eligible for financial aid you can receive aid for a future short-term study abroad experience.

What if the program is unable to travel at the end of the semester?  Will I still get credit? 

Dickinson will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on the travel component of the GIS programs. If travel is not possible students will still receive one credit for the semester-long course. 

If the travel portion is canceled, will I get my fee refunded? 

Yes, if Dickinson cancels the travel portion for the GIS program, you will receive a refund of the program fee corresponding to the travel portion back ($2900). Since the tuition is wrapped into the spring semester, students will not receive a tuition refund for the semester coursework if the travel portion is canceled.  

What if I want to study abroad over the summer instead? 

Dickinson is offering several summer 2022 programs in addition to the GIS. Information about the upcoming summer programs is available on the CGSE website.  Additionally, many of our partner programs will be running study abroad programs over the summer and with prior approval you may be able to transfer those credits back to Dickinson. 

Can I take more than one globally integrated course? 

Yes BUT - since the travel portion for all GIS programs will take place at the same time -, students may be able to enroll in more than one GIS semester-long course but will need to pick which of the two GIS courses they want to continue abroad.  

Can I study abroad the last semester of my senior year? 

Students must receive special permission to study abroad during the last semester of their senior year by submitting a brief petition to the CGSE.  Please contact your academic advisor and Katie DeGuzman, Dean and Director of Education Abroad: deguzmak@dickinson.edu to find out more about this process. 

How many credits will I get for the entire Globally Integrated Course sequence (semester-long + 3-week travel course)? 

Students who successfully complete the entire course sequence will received 1.5 credits and 1 grade for both the semester-long + 3-week travel course. Student course grades will not be posted until after the 3-week travel portion. Please note Dickinson in Iceland and Dickinson in Germany are one credit courses in total. 

What are the dates for the travel portion of a Globally Integrated Course?  

The travel portion of GIS will start after the end of the Spring 2022 semester.  All programs will run at approximately the same time.  

Will my grade for the Globally Integrated Course be calculated in my GPA? 

Yes, all courses are Dickinson courses and will count into your Dickinson GPA. 

I still have questions. Whom should I contact? 

We encourage you to make an appointment with an advisor in the CGSE. Make an appointment.  


Last Updated 11.30.22