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2015 Donor Stories

Larry Snyder '65

Larry Snyder '65

“ I wouldn’t have been able to attend Dickinson without financial aid, and I’d like others to have the same opportunities I had.” —Larry Snyder ’65

Chose Dickinson as a student-athlete (baseball and football) based on the encouragement of mentor/coach Wilbur “Goby” Gobrecht ’52. Majored in economics and went on to a finance-management career. Reconnected to Dickinson in 1992 when he attended a retirement ceremony in Gobrecht's honor. Reconnected with classmate Anne Selden at a class reunion two years later—they’ve been together ever since. Co-recipient of the 2013 Walter E. Beach Award, along with Anne, now his wife. Served on the Dickinson Fund Advisory Committee and the McAndrews Fund Committee and as John Dickinson Society co-chair, class agent, reception host and DAVS and reunion volunteer. Worked with Tony Rodgers ’65 to help the class of 1965 raise $65,900 this year for their class’s scholarship fund; and in celebration of their 50th reunion $587,393 in total.