The Jansen Family

Parents and sister of Robert Jansen ’11, an earth-sciences major, lifelong outdoorsman, varsity track and cross country athlete and three-season letterman (Coach Don Nichter dedicated an annual race in his honor) who passed away in a Colorado rock slide in 2012. “He really loved Dickinson, and after four years, he had a large group of terrific friends and was close with his earth-sciences professors and coaches." As a senior, Robert conducted fieldwork with Associate Professor of Earth Sciences Ben Edwards in British Columbia and won an award for his presentation of that research at a national science conference. The Jansens established a student-faculty research fund in his memory.“ Robert’s student-faculty research was a huge part of what he did at Dickinson, and it was invaluable to his broader development. We wanted to contribute to help others who wanted to have the same kind of experience.”
—The Jansen Family: Bill P’11, Peggy P’11 and Elizabeth Jansen