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2015 Donor Stories

Larry Rand '65

Larry Rand '65

“ Over the years I have watched the college grow into something that, as graduates, we can all be proud of. I can see the direction the college is going, and I want to support it.” —Larry Rand ’65

History major, education minor, a Dickinsonian sports editor, member of Alpha Chi Rho and Pershing Rifles. Played tennis all four years (captain and MVP in senior year, Hall of Fame team). Played exhibition matches with Arthur Ashe and Billie Jean King. Worked three years at Dickinson before launching a career in K-12 academic book publishing; retired as regional VP for MacMillian-McGraw Hill. Met wife Barbara through Phoenix Scrabble Club (she is the founder); in retirement, they organize Scrabble-themed cruises. Once named among top-100 Scrabble players in U.S. Traveled to 76 countries. Two children, three stepchildren, 12 grands and three great-grands (one on the way). Served on 50th reunion committee and as emcee for the reunion dinner.