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Teaching with Technology

Supporting faculty and students in the creation and use of new media for presenting ideas in the classroom and to the world.

Academic Technology

Here at Dickinson we embrace the old and new in the classroom.  Students in our sculpture classes use everything from simple cardboard boxes to 3d modeling and printing.  Classes on world empires combine primary texts hundreds of years old with a modified version of the computer game Civilization VI, created by our own students, specifically for this course.

Whether helping students practice a foreign language by connecting via Zoom with native speakers on the other side of the world or working with students to build an augmented reality Civil War walking tour in a history class, Dickinson faculty regularly look for innovative ways to enhance their teaching with the latest state of the art tools. Our academic technology staff ensures that faculty are not only up on the latest in high-tech, but also understand when technology truly enhances learning and when it merely distracts.

Tech Toolbox

Tech Toolbox

This page contains information and tutorials about the technology tools that will support your remote courses. This page is an additional resource and is not part of the required training for Fall 2020.

Smart Classrooms

Smart Classrooms

Dickinson currently has over 100 Smart classroom facilities, ranging from traditional lecture-seminar rooms to computer labs to innovative group-work computer work labs

The Willoughby Institute for Blended Learning

The Willoughby Institute for Blended Learning

The Willoughby Institute for Blended Learning provides support for faculty to create digital assets that students can access outside of the classroom. Each faculty member receives individual support for their digital resource creation.

Willoughby Fellows Program for Teaching with Technology

Willoughby Fellows Program for Teaching with Technology

The Willoughby Fellows Program in Teaching with Technology is a year-long opportunity for Dickinson faculty to develop effective, media-rich courses. The program provides training and support to help faculty design and deliver courses that use technology to engage students in active learning.

The Mixxer

The Mixxer

Created and hosted by Dickinson, this free educational site for language learners connects students around the world for one-on-one foreign-language conversation.

Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities

Dickinson faculty and students harness the power of new technologies through an array of digital-humanities endeavors. Current projects include new models of textual commentary that employ digital tools for readers of Greek and Latin texts.