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Dickinson Makes

Dickinson Makes is designed to encourage a culture of creativity and innovation on campus by connecting the incredible spaces, resources, people and knowledge available within our campus community. Because makerspaces can take on many different forms, and many core elements already are housed in different academic and student-life areas, Dickinson Makes is a resource that will help you find courses, student organizations and faculty and staff who can support your interests in different areas of making.

The list on the left describes current spaces, what equipment is available to use there, what the requirements are to use the space, which department is in charge of the space and who to contact for more information. While many of the spaces are not open to the general campus community, they are available through specific courses. When using any space on a campus, please respect it by following all rules and keeping spaces tidy and organized for the next user.

If your department or organization is hosting an event, discussion or exhibit related to making, please submit more information about it to dickinsonmakes@dickinson.edu so it can be promoted on the Dickinson Makes events page.

Dickinson Makes