Goodyear Sculpture Studios

The Sculpture Studio is an art making space that facilitates general fabrication and sculpting processes in a number of materials. It currently includes a wood working shop, metal working area, metal casting foundry, outdoor work area, and a wax, resin and mold making room. The mission of the space is to support students currently enrolled in art classes and to serve as an art faculty research space.
Facility Location
First floor of the Goodyear Art Studios, Goodyear Building
Department/Organization that oversees facility: Department of Art & Art History /info/20095/art_and_art_history/
Coordinator(s) of facility Anthony Cervino, Associate Professor of Studio Art (sculpture) James Krabiel, Sculpture Technicican
Contact email
Training/Process needed to use space
Currently, the space is open to students currently enrolled in an art class who have undergone heath & safety training for the space and a number of tool demonstration and training sessions. Even students with previous experience must get training to use the facility. Students must also read a Sculpture Studio Use Policies handout. Students ONLY have access to the sculpture space when an Art Dept. faculty member, studio technician or studio proctor is there to monitor tool use. All tool areas are locked outside or scheduled classes or open studio times (these vary semester to semester but are posted at the start of every semester). A student who has successfully completed a sculpture class is welcome to come back to use the facility during open studio hours (not class times, obviously) and with the understanding that assistance from the technician or proctor on duty is prioritized around the needs of current students. Only students currently enrolled in art classes at the Goodyear Art Studios can enter the Goodyear Building (card swipe). However, one can knock on the door or make arrangements via email to set up access to enter the building.
What equipment is available in this space? PRIMARY/ STATIONARY TOOLS: SawStop table saw
12” compound angle electric miter saw
20" band saw
14" band saw (X2)
Scroll saw
12” Jointer/Planer combo tool
36” oscillating edge sander
Downdraft sanding table
4” belt sander/12” disc sander combo
Drill press (X2)
36” metal foot sheer (max. 16 gauge)
48” finger break (max. 16 gauge)
Steel Roller (max. 16 gauge)
Steel ring roller (max. 16 gauge)
Manual steel shear
Manual steel punch
Upright grinding wheels
Arc (stick) welding machine
MIG welding machine (2)
Flux core welding machine (portable)
Oxyacetylene welding/cutting torches (2)
Plasma torch
Gas Forge
175lb Peddinghaus Anvil
Coal forge
Sand blast cabinet
Bronze and aluminum casting foundry supported by ceramic shell investment process
A large number and variety of electric, pneumatic and manual hand tools.
What items aren't available that might be needed?
Specific working materials must be provided (or purchased) - but we have a wide variety of scrap materials or commonly sized materials available.
Student Organizations associated with space
Arts Collective, S.H.O.P. (pilot year)
What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?
Studio art majors enrolled in a sculpture class or who have trained in the space.
Specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area:
ARTH123: Foundations of Sculpture
ART323: Sculpture
Open Workshops