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Dickinson Makes

Asbell Center for Jewish Life - Apartment Kitchen


The student lounge and vegetarian kitchen is open to all students on campus through reservation. The front doors are unlocked from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. All students may use the side entrance from 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. The alarm will activate if the building is not cleared by 1:00 a.m. The space must be kept clean so those who use it should make sure everything is cleaned up after cooking. Please make sure all equipment is powered down. 

Asbell Cooking Club
The Asbell Cooking Club meets every Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Asbell Center, 3rd floor Student Lounge, and gives students a chance to cook their own dinner. Students decide what food they'd like to make and spend the evening cooking and eating their creations. We will make food from around the world, breakfast for dinner, and more!    It's a fun and easy way to take advantage of the vegetarian kitchen in the Asbell Center. Julie Fields will be leading the Asbell Cooking Club for the 2014-2015 Academic Year.

Facility Location
The Asbell Center is located adjacent to the Admissions House. The address is 262 West High St. and the kitchen is in the 3rd floor Student Lounge

Department/Organization that oversees facility
Division of Student Life

Faculty/Staff/Student coordinator(s) of facility

Rabbi Marley Weiner

Contact email: 

What is the process students/staff must go through to use this space?
Please email jewishlife@dickinson.edu to reserve the student lounge kitchen.

What equipment is available in this space?

  • Complete kitchen set-up
  • All utensils
  • Paper Products

What items aren't available that might be needed?
Must supply your own food to prepare.

Student Organizations associated with space

  • Hillel
  • Asbell Cooking Club
  • Rosh Hodesh (Jewish Women's Club)
  • Achim (Jewish Men's Club)

What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?
All majors are welcome.

Are there specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area?

asbell kitchen


asbell kitchen


asbell kitchen







