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Dickinson Makes

Center for Sustainability Education Library

CSE Library


The resource library has a whole host of sustainability-related books including topics on climate change, transportation, homesteading, DIY, community organizing, and much more. Many titles are not available in the Waidner-Sphal Library. The library also has work stations and several whiteboards for meetings.

Facility Location

Center for Sustainability Education - Kaufman Hall

Department/Organization that oversees facility

Center for Sustainability Education

Coordinator(s) of facility 

Sumaiya Quayum - Administrative Assistant

Contact emailsustainability@dickinson.edu

Training/Process needed to use space

The library space is open 24/7! Books can be checked out with Kathleen Banski, CSE administrative assistant. The library is a great nook on campus. It's off the beaten path in Kaufman and is very scalable.

What equipment is available in this space?

Books, workspaces, whiteboards, Spiral Notebook binder

What items aren't available that might be needed?
Specific working materials must be provided (or purchased) - but we have a wide variety of scrap materials or commonly sized materials available.

Student Organizations associated with space


What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?

No priority based on academic major.

Specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area

recycled bound notebooks

recycled bound notebooks

books in the office





Notebook binder

Notebook binder