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Dickinson Makes

W.M. Keck Workshop Laboratory Center


The shop is currently used to support students enrolled in Physics & Astronomy & faculty research projects.

Facility Location
First floor of Tome Hall

Department/Organization that oversees facility
Physics & Astronomy Department /info/20041/physics_and_astronomy/100/facilities_and_resources

Coordinator(s) of facility
Jonathan Barrick, Physics & Astronomy Technician

Contact email 

Training/Process needed to use space
Currently, the space is open to Physics & Astronomy majors. Students must go though safety, tool demonstration and tool training sessions. Students with previous experience must also receive training. Students ONLY have access to the space when the department Technician or a Faculty member is there to oversee tool usage. The space is kept locked outside of the Department Technicians Hours (7am - 4pm, Monday - Friday)

What equipment is available in this space?
Metal Shop 9" X 42" Vertical Milling machine
13" X 40" Metal Lathe
14" X 40 " Metal Lathe
5-1/2" X 22" Horizontal Milling machine
20" Drill press
2 ton Arbor press
20 ton Shop press
Mig Welder
Tig Welder
Oxygen/MAP cutting/welding torch
Plasma torch
30" (3 in 1) sheet metal - shear, brake & roll ( Max. 18 gauge )
Di-Arco #2 bender
7" X 12" Horizontal band saw
6" bench grinder
Buffing and Polishing grinder
assorted hand & power tools

Wood Shop
10" Table Saw
12" Compound angle Miter Saw
13" Planer
6-1/8" Jointer
Oscillating Spindle Sander
Router table
15" Drill press
6" x 48" Belt & 10" disc Sander (metal & wood)
16" Vertical band saw (metal & wood)
assorted hand and power tools

What items aren't available that might be needed?
Must bring their own materials.

Student Organizations associated with space
Physics Club / Astronomy Club

What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?
Physics & Astronomy majors who have trained in the space

Specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area 
Semester-long, once-a-week machine shop course where students get exposure to all the major machines (lathe, milling machines, etc.) taught by Jonathan Barrick.

Physics Machine Shop






physics machine shop






physics machine shop

















































































































table with tools
