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Dickinson Makes

Media Center



Our equipment office is available for students, faculty and staff to check out cameras, mics, audio recorders, light kits, green screens, dollies & much much more. We help you along your way from novice to expert and the center helps not only students working on class projects but anyone who needs assistance starting a project. What kinds of stuff can you here? Well….make a zombie movie, record an album, play video games, record (and blog) your adventure across America and lots of other great ideas you haven’t even thought of yet. Stop down to the media center located in the basement of Bosler hall and let us show you around. We can’t wait to see what you create!

Facility Location

Bosler Hall - Lower Level

Department/Organization that oversees facility

Academic Technology /homepage/560/media_center

Faculty/Staff/Student coordinator(s) of facility

Anna Kerstetter: Media Center Manager

Contact email

What is the process students/staff must go through to use this space?

The Media Center is open to all Dickinson students, staff and faculty. Some specialized equipment requires additional training (DSLR cameras, 3D Printer). Equipment is only available for check out while MC Assistants are staffing the office. All computer spaces in the Microroom and main Media Center Hallway are available the same hours Bosler card access is available. If students are in the building after 11pm, they are welcome to use the computers although the they will not be able to swipe back into the building if they leave.

What equipment is available in this space?EQUIPMENT - Need to check out equipment for a media project? Anything you need can be found in the equipment room, where cameras, recorders, tripods, and much more are stored. We have a number of DSLR cameras. hi-definition video recorders, various microphones, and data projectors in order to satisfy any multimedia need. The Media Center's student assistants can also be found right outside this room. They will check out the equipment for you, as well as help out with any problems you might have while working in the Media Center. We’re familiar with all of our equipment and most of the programs on the computers around the media center, so the media center assistant on duty is always willing to give advice or help with the project you’re working on.

PODCAST NOOKS -The Media Center has 3 A/V Podcast Rooms available with adequate equipment to record, including 2 microphones for voice or instruments, 1 mini mixer, 1 keyboard, and 1 iMac with recording apps, such as Garageband, Audacity, & IMovie.

Don’t let the small space fool you, the nooks are a student favorite for audio projects of all sorts. With a quiet space to work and various programs like Garageband and Audacity, students and faculty alike come by to do podcasts, music recordings, and other media or technology-related projects. If you need a quiet space to work on an audio project for you or for a small group look no further than a Podcast Nook.

MICROROOM - with 24 windows-capable Macs, the Microroom is great for late nights and classroom synergy alike.

THE STUDIO-What exactly is the studio used for? CNN News Conferences via Skype with students and faculty, jam sessions and music recording using top-end programs and equipment like Logic and top end audio mixers, video projects using the dolly or greenscreen, video conferencing, Xbox Kinect battles, just to name a few. The Studio is a partially soundproof space for students to work on creative projects (especially music), show movies, shoot footage, and also a place for faculty to hold occasional video conferencing.

GAMING STATION - If there’s one thing college students say they don’t have besides time, it’s probably money. Certainly not enough money to go out and buy an awesome 46-inch LED TV to play a PS3, Xbox360, or Nintendo Wii on. Luckily, we do! The Media Center’s Gaming Station gives students a place to chill out with friends and play some of the biggest hits in recent gaming history (Mass Effect 3, Portal 2, Skyrim to name a few) but in various languages. Every linguistics expert will tell you the key to learning another language is immersion, and one great way to offer an immersed experience is to come down and have fun while you do it by playing through a popular game in another language. With over 10 games to choose from, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese language options (different languages for different games), and Wii and Xbox Kinect “Motion-Detection” technology, you’ll never have so much fun learning another language. So grab a snack, grab a friend, come on down to the Media Center and ask an assistant to set you up with some controllers and see just how far you can go in a virtual environment in another language.

What items aren't available that might be needed?

Additional hard drives for back up storage for projects.

Student Organizations associated with space

WDCV-FM, Photography Club

What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?

All majors

Are there specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area?

Each semester there are a variety of courses that will include projects that utilize Media Center equipment, resources, staff and spaces. Contact mediacenter@dickinson.edu to inquire about upcoming classes. These classes range from First Year Seminars to Senior Seminars and are from all divisions and disciplines.

Media Center



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Media Center