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Dickinson Makes

Costume and Property Craft Studio

Prop Shop

The basement space is where we create craft items for the stage. Due to the nature of the activities (e.g., painting and dyeing and molding and casting), it may be messy and/or dangerous.  The space includes equipment and chemicals that require special training and so is only available to faculty, staff and students in the Theater and Dance department.

Facility Location
Basement of Montgomery House

Department/Organization that oversees facility
Department of Theatre and Dance

Coordinator(s) of facility
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance, Resident Costume Designer, Costume Studio Manager
Juli Bounds, Assistant Costume Studio Manager

Contact email 

Training/Process needed to use space
This space may be used with permission under special circumstances if a student is involved in the design/tech curriculum or in the production co-curriculum.

What equipment is available in this space?
Band saw
Dye washer and dryer
Industrial dye vat
Spray booth
Paint/slop sink
Small hand tools

What items aren't available that might be needed?
Any craft or paint supplies would need to be provided by the student interested in creating something.

Student Organizations associated with space
Mermaid Players
Dance Theatre Group

What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?
Theatre and dance majors

Specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area
THDA 210- Costumes and Props
THDA 210 - Scenic design

Prop Shop

Prop Shop

Prop Shop

Prop Shop

Prop Shop

Prop Shop

Prop Shop

Prop Shop

Prop shop

Prop shop