Scene Shop - Mather's Theatre

The scene shop produces in-house all scenic elements needed for theatre and dance productions. The shop is equipped to construct scenic elements out of wood, metal, foam, plaster, fabric as well as serve as a location to do light electrical work for stage lighting.
Facility Location
Scene Shop - Mather's Theatre
Holland Union Building
Department/Organization that oversees facility
Department of Theatre and Dance
Coordinator(s) of facility
Jason Nedrow Technical Director Department of Theatre and Dance
Contact email
Training/Process needed to use space
Students and staff interested in working in the shop must coordinate a time and location with Jason Nedrow, department technical director. At times the department is busy juggling several projects at once, which can make sharing the space a challenge. Anyone interested in working the shop must receive orientation and training of the various tools as well as the policies in place for proper use. Students are not permitted to work with power tools unless the technical director or a work study student is available.
What equipment is available in this space?
The shop houses a table saw, compound mitre saw, radial arm saw, metal-cutting mitre saw, panel saw as well as mig welder, arc welder and plasma cutter. Power tools include corded and cordless drills, circular saw, reciprocating saw, grinders, biscuit joiner and router. Hand tools include various wrenches, ratchets and nut drivers. Workers must receive training to work with any power tool. The department reserves the right to deny usage of power tools to those who do not exhibit proper operating skills.
What items aren't available that might be needed?
The department has some wood materials that have been salvaged from past productions and available for use. Availability is determined on current production build at time of the shop request. Safety glasses must be worn at all times and brought with the shop user. Ear protection and dust protection (i.e. dust masks) are encouraged and must be provided by the shop user.
Student Organizations associated with space
Mermaid Players and Dance Theatre Group
What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?
Theatre and Dance majors
Specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area
Students in theatre classes are often required to put in shop hours as part of their final grade. Through these shop hours, students work with the technical director building scenic elements or installing stage lights, which often results in additional training of the tools.
The shop and Mather's Theatre are heavily used spaces through the fall and spring semesters. Availability to use the shop will most likely be restricted to weekday afternoons from 1-4 or unless alternative arrangements are made with the technical director. Availability is also dependent on the current project. The weeks toward the end of the semesters, particularly following the end of classes are preferred. The shop does not have the ability to store works in process, unless approved by the technical director.