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Dickinson Makes

Costume Studio


All costumes for the department of theatre and dance productions are created and altered in the costume studio. The costume studio is heavily used for classes and production.

Facility Location
Second floor of Montgomery House

Department/Organization that oversees facility
Department of Theatre and Dance

Coordinator(s) of facility
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance, Resident Costume Designer, Costume Studio Manager Juli Bounds, Assistant Costume Studio Manager

Contact email

Training/Process needed to use space
Students in the theatre and dance and/or production program have key access to the design studio. Access to the studio may be granted to students not in the program provided they are trained and competent in the operation of the studio equipment. With permission, others from outside the theater and dance program may be able access the shop under the supervision of a theatre and dance student when the studio is not in use for a theater or dance production.

What equipment is available in this space?
4 domestic sewing machines
1 industrial sewing machine
1 industrial patcher
1 industrial serger
2 domestic baby lock sergers
1 industrial gravity feed iron
2 large cutting tables equipped with self healing mats for rotary blade use
Rotary cutters
Hand sewing needles
Machine needles

What items aren't available that might be needed?
Anyone using the space would need to bring their own fabric and sewing notions (threads, closures, interfacing, etc.) in order to construct a project.

Student Organizations associated with space
Mermaid Players Dance Theatre Group

What types of majors have dedicated use of this space?
Theatre and dance majors

Specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area
THDA 210 -- Costumes and Props








