Many other student created videos can be found on the
Professor Ed Webb
Students in Professor Webbs first year seminar “Science Fiction: Dystopian Visions” examined how science fiction presented future societies, ranging from examples such as Star Trek where mankind has transcended nationalism, poverty and war to darker visions that function as warnings of a potential future. As part of the course, students were assigned a video project to present a vision of their own. The video below is from Ellen Kaveevittayakun.
Professor Michael Fratantuono
As their final project, students were asked to create mini lectures about assigned topics. Videos from previous courses then serve as supplements to the course as catalysts for class discussions.
Professor Karl Qualls
Students in Professor Qualls’ FYS “Utopias, Dystopias and ‘Engineering Progress” looked into different aspects of society and devices we use to ‘fix’ what is wrong in our communities.
Many other student created videos can be found on the