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Cables and Accessories

These dual-input cables are for use with our SDHC cameras.

academic technology

There are many electronic equipments that requires a VGA cable in order to display image, computer monitors, television, projector, etc. We have several available for checkout. VGA Cable
Whether you're working on a big recording project or simply want to share the track you're listening to with friends, an Audio Splitter will go a long way in making that easy and comfortable for all of you. This 3 Way Audio Splitter will let you share any sound with up to two other people at the same time. Three-Way Audio Splitter
If you're in the middle of an audio project and you're working on it on a Mac computer that doesn't have a line in or microphone port, well here's the adapter for you. It connects via USB and allows you to record via both line in and mic.

Mac Audio Adapter