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Getting Started

Legal Matters

Limited Power of Attorney:

In case your signature is needed for any reason during your absence, such as for a Stafford loan check, you should consider making arrangements for "limited power of attorney" to be held by an appropriate person stateside to act on your behalf.  This is usually a parent or guardian, but can be another relative or close friend.  It must be someone you trust to act responsibly on your behalf in legal and financial matters.  You may use a standard “Limited Power of Attorney Form” (A240).  Examples of the kinds of things you might want to authorize the person(s) to do would be:  acting on your behalf in federal loan matters or withdrawing or transferring money from a specific bank account.  You should have the statement(s) notarized and request a couple of originals in case the bank or other entity requires an original.

Income Tax Declaration:

If you have taxable income for the year ending 31 December, you will have to file a tax return for that year. Options are: 

  • to have the forms sent to you so that you can meet the 15 April deadline 
  • to file on-line 
  • to file for an extension of the deadline. 

Absentee Voting:

If you want to vote by Absentee Ballot, you need to register to vote before leaving.  Check with the Board of Elections or the Secretary of State in your home state about the procedures for voting by Absentee Ballot.  It is important to get this information before going overseas since there are usually several steps involved with specific due dates for the Absentee Ballot.  Remember to make a note of your Party, Ward, District, and Voter Registration Number.

The offers extensive information about registering to vote by absentee ballot online.