Room Selection
The room selection process for upperclass students will take place April 15-21, 2025. The online housing selection program, Housing Self-Service, can be accessed through the housing icon in your Gateway (). Using this program, students can view their lottery time, select roommates, view available housing options, and select housing for next year. Residence Life & Housing will communicate with students via email and this website to share information throughout the spring semester.
- A one-page guide for completing steps of room selection process
Important Dates:
- April 1: Housing Agreement due. Will be available following spring break.
- April 7: Lottery times available.
- April 8: Roommate Selection begins.
- April 10: Proxy requests and mixed-class roommate groups due by 4pm EDT
- April 15: Rising Senior selection night (graduation dates 2/26, 5/26, or 2/27)
- April 17: Rising Junior selection night (graduation dates 5/27 or 2/28)
- April 21: Rising Sophomore selection night (graduation dates 5/28 or 2/29)
To be eligible to participate in housing selection, students must complete the following:
- Complete their Housing Application in Housing Self-Service.
- Register for at least one class for the fall semester during course request, and
- Ensure they do not have any financial hold on their account in order to be entered into the housing lottery.
Housing Forms:
- - All students living on campus must complete this application.
- - In the event that a student needs a proxy because they cannot select housing at their appointed time, the student with the best lottery time needs to complete a Proxy Request form. All proxy requests are due on April 10 by 4pm EDT.
- - Students seeking to live with roommates of a different class year must complete this form so they can be administratively matched as roommates. All students within the mixed-class group must complete the form. Students will be matched with their requested roommates after the due date.
Step 1: Housing Application
- All students living on campus in the fall must complete the housing application, including students who select housing through the Special Interest House, accommodation, or RA/HAM/CA process.
- Students who do not complete the application will not be eligible to select housing during the spring housing lottery.
Step 2: Review Housing Lottery Time
- All students will receive an email when the housing lottery times are released.
- Lottery times are accessed through a student's Housing portal on Gateway.
- Lottery times are assigned within a class year (i.e. all sophomores select on one night, all seniors on another night, etc.). Within each night, lottery times are randomized.
Step 3: Roommate Selection
- Students must mutually request any and all roommates. This includes students who will live in the same suite or apartment together.
- Students in the same class year will match with their roommate through their Housing Portal on Gateway: (video).
- Students in different class years who would like to live together must submit a mixed-class roommate group form. Students in mixed-class roommate groups will have their lottery time adjusted. Please review this documenbt for more information: . Mixed-class roommate groups must submit their by April 10.
Step 4: Identify housing preferences and options
- We encourage students to be realistic about what to expect during the housing selection process and plan for multiple options.
- While housing occupancy can vary from year to year, we do see some patterns. Typically, we see rising sophomores select doubles in traditional buildings, rising juniors select suites, and rising seniors select singles or apartment-style housing. These are the most typical options each class year will be able to select during their selection time.
- : this document will be updated with information for the 2025-2026 academic year
- Rates: There is differential pricing for apartment-style and single occupancy rooms. Students are encouraged to consider this information as they are making decisions about housing options for the coming academic year.
- Floor plans are available for most spaces by visiting Housing Self-Service (via Housing icon on Gateway). On the right side of the Housing Self-Service page, you will find a link to “Floor Plans” under the Helpful Links section on the right side of the screen.
- Additional information about traditional style housing and house/apartment style housing is available on our website.
- Often times students confuse High Street Residence and 25/27 W. High Street when selecting a space in the lottery. High Street Residence is the name of the newest residence hall built on our campus. 25/27 West High Street is the name of the building in downtown Carlisle across from Carlisle Theater.
Step 5: Select Housing
- Housing is selected via a student's Housing Portal accessed through Gateway.
- (video)
- Support will be available for students with questions during the lottery. Please check your email on the day of your selection for more information.
- If you have questions, please contact Residence Life & Housing during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM) by phone at 717-245-1556 or send us an email at