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Housing Operations

Spring Move Out - Graduating Students

Let us know your Plans – (Response Required)
If you live in a traditional building, you will sign a sheet with your RA where you list your departure plans. If you live in a house or apartment, please respond let us know your plans by going into your Housing icon on Gateway, clicking “applications,” and then clicking “Houses-Apartments - Departure”. All students must respond by May 13 at 11:59pm.

Check Out
Graduating seniors check out through Residence Life & Housing office in the lower level of the HUB between 9am-7pm on Sunday, May 22; all seniors must check out and leave campus by 7:00pm. If you plan to leave before Sunday, May 22, let us know.

All of your personal belongings must be out of your room prior to the Residence Life & Housing staff member inspecting the room to check you out. If there are damages or belongings left in the room, you may be charged. If appropriate, you will share these charges with your roommate(s). Determination of who pays for what should be made between you and your roommate prior to check out. More specific information about damages and costs can be found on our .

Cleaning Room and Trash Removal
Do not wait until the last minute to clean your room. Garbage bags and other cleaning materials may be obtained on a limited basis from your building housekeeping staff or from Facilities by calling (717) 245-1212 to assist you in this process. The following steps are suggested to clean your room prior to checking out of your residence:

  • Remove all personal items – including rugs - from your room prior to your check out (make sure to check all desk and bureau drawers for overlooked items)
  • Sweep/vacuum floors; mopping where necessary
  • Lock all windows and pull down blinds to the first pane
  • Take all trash directly to the appropriate locations. Do not leave trash in the hallways. All rooms not properly cleaned may be assessed a room cleaning charge. You may also be charged for sweeping trash into the hallways.

Note: Non-college furniture that is left behind will be removed by Facilities Management and the student account will be billed a removal fee.