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The Makerspace

The Makery:  the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Makerspace.  What is a Makerspace?  Simply put, Makerspaces are community centers with tools and supplies.  These spaces combine equipment, community, and educational resources to empower members to design, prototype and create manufactured works.  Makerspaces are uniquely constructed to fulfill the needs of the community they serve, but all strive to foster creativity and innovation by providing resources that may otherwise be unavailable to members.

The Dickinson Media Center has a number of new tools to assist our community in the “making”.  The Makerspace contains two 3-d printers, a Cricut and sewing machines. Additionally, we have Raspberry pi single-board computers; a makey-makey; Arduino electronics; programmable-wearable board; craft supplies;  3-d printing pens and much, much more. Check out our cool new tech toys in action!  


The Embroidery Machine at Work

Facility Location 
Bosler Lower Level

Department/Organization that oversees facility
Academic Technology

Faculty/Staff/Student coordinator(s) of facility 
Brenda Landis - Multimedia Specialist
Anna Kerstetter - Media Center Manager

Contact email 

What is the process students/staff must go through to use this space? 
The Makery is open to all Dickinson students, staff and faculty. Some specialized equipment requires additional training (3D Printer). Equipment is only available for check out while MC Assistants are staffing the office. The space should be kept clean so projects in progress should be put away at the end of the night. Please make sure all equipment is powered down (glue guns, 3D Printers, soldering station) when finished.

What equipment is available in this space?
3D Printing & Scanning 
Makerbot Replicator - Our Primary 3-d printer
Makerbot Replicator 5th Generation - Newer 3-d printer, prints both faster and more efficiently
3Doodler-3D printing Pen
NextEngine 3D Scanner- highly accurate scanner for precision detail
XBOX Kinect Camera- Xbox peripheral camera that captures human body movements and uses them as input for video games. This can also be used to capture 3D scans for printing using additional software for conversion.

Electronic and Computing Boards and supplies 
Arduino - an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Raspberry PI - a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python.
Makey Makey - Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It's a simple Invention Kit for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything inbetween.Adafruit Flora Wearable Electronic Platform - It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.
Robotics Starter Kit
Drawdio Kit
Brushbots kits
Snap Circuits - Extreme
Snap Circuits Green (Alternative Energy)
Soldering starter kit 

Sewing machine, embroidery machine, embroidery hoops, Iron
Vintage patterns
Thread, needles, ribbon, buttons, scissors, measuring tape

Velcro, scissors, hot glue guns, glue, exacto knife, small hand saw, rubber bands, paper, markers, pencils, removeable space savers (for use on tables while cutting, hot gluing)

Cuts hundreds of materials quickly and accurately, from paper and fabric to matboard and leather.  With a wide range of tools for cutting, scoring, writing, and adding decorative effects.

Other supplies 
Recycled electronics for scrap, craft or to harvest components for projects.

What items aren't available that might be needed?  
Specific types of materials for sewing and additional boards for programming.The Makery can check out boards for testing and if you create something you want to keep, just replace the board with an un-programmed one for the next person. This way you can test something without having to make the financial investment.

Student Organizations associated with space 
No specific organizations

What types of majors have dedicated use of this space? 
No specific majors


Makerspace Tools

Makery Tools

Are there specific courses students can take to get additional training/exposure to this area?  
Each semester there are a variety of courses that may include projects that utilize Makery equipment, resources, staff and spaces. Contact mediacenter@dickinson.edu to inquire about upcoming classes.