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Gaming Station

If there’s one thing college students say they don’t have besides time, it’s probably money. Certainly not enough money to go out and buy an awesome 46-inch LED TV to play a PS3, Xbox360, or Nintendo Wii on. Luckily, we do! The Media Center’s Gaming Station gives students a place to chill out with friends and play some of the biggest hits in recent gaming history (Mass Effect 3, Portal 2, Skyrim to name a few) but in various languages. Every linguistics expert will tell you the key to learning another language is immersion, and one great way to offer an immersed experience is to come down and have fun while you do it by playing through a popular game in another language. With over 10 games to choose from, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese language options (different languages for different games), and Wii and Xbox Kinect “Motion-Detection” technology, you’ll never have so much fun learning another language. So grab a snack, grab a friend, come on down to the Media Center* and ask an assistant to set you up with some controllers and see just how far you can go in a virtual environment in another language.


Gaming Cabinet

Gaming Cabinet Close-up

Gaming Cabinet

List of Games

Gaming Station

Gaming Station